Audience Manager  -  Insights to know more about your visitors

Audience Manager is the information collection centre holding vital information related to active users (AUs) visiting your website and interacting with Frontman. When site visitor interacts with Frontman for the first time, it collects user information and stores it in the form of system attributes for instance city, country & locale so on.

Businesses need to create custom attributes (i.e user attributes) while building the dialogue flows to store the responses from the user. User attributes are displayed alongside with system attributes in the audience tab for each active user.

Frontman saves system attributes for every user that interacts with it and displays it along in the audience tab.

Filter audience allows businesses to filter users based on system and user attributes. For instance, selecting the attribute ‘city’ and entering value ‘Jaipur’ will filter all the users coming from that city.


You can also export this data in a CSV file format.

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